Recreating Social Occasions Post Covid in Craft Beer

Recreating Social Occasions has been identified by industry leaders and through our global analyst network as one of the most important themes for our clients in every corner of the food and beverage industry.

Pandemic reorders social habits, disperses social occasions

After 15-18 months of isolation and remote work, consumer habits are shifting. For many higher-income workers, the post-COVID-19 era will likely involve fewer days working in a central office location, driving a host of weekly social occasions closer to home.

“Great reset” allows new habits to form

Whilst COVID-19 has unquestionably brought new pressures, a pause also allows consumers space to try new activities more in line with current trends, desires, and positions in life, possibly supplanting or complementing socialising habits formed at a much younger age.

Hedonism just one facet of recovery

Though a surge in on-trade demand in the short term (3-6 months) seems relatively likely in many markets as consumers look to reconnect with others, a desire for both safety and convenience will persist. Generational concerns about wellness have become even more salient following pandemic conditions.

High-value experiences as important as ever

Eat-in occasions may account for a smaller percentage of post-COVID-19 purchasing occasions, yet they will continue to account for a significant percentage of premium, high-value occasions. Brands which invest in premium outlet experiences will reap the benefits across a range of in-home and on-the-go purchasing missions.

Linking every point of contact

With brands increasingly competing across a range of social environments, real advantages will accrue to those able to link consumer profiles and data across in-home machines, on-trade environments, advanced vending machines and elsewhere, with smartphones central to these efforts.


What will socialising look like in the post-pandemic era?


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